Today we were up at 5:30am. Thomas hasn’t been feeling well and isn’t sleeping very much. He has had a stuffy head and is coughing. We showered and dressed, got things organized for the day and then went to the restaurant for breakfast around 6:30am. After eating we returned to our room. We were both playing on the computer and completely forgot the time. At 7:35am we got a call saying they were waiting for us on the bus. It was so embarrassing and as we climbed on everyone clapped. It all turned out fine.

So we left the hotel and drove about an hour out of town to the site of the
Terracotta Warriors. As we drove Arnold gave us lots of information about the soldiers and the site. When we arrived he went and got our tickets and we headed into the area. So there is an entry gate and there are four pits and an exhibition center. We started in Pit 1 – this is where most of the soldiers are put back together and are standing in formation. It is astounding and I could never do it justice by trying to describe it. The sheer massiveness of the presentation is humbling. We spent quite a bit of time here and again Arnold gave us more information.

I took lots of pictures and just stared at the soldiers. It is sad that someone tried to destroy them by setting fire to the area at some time. From Pit 1 we walked over to Pit 3. This pit isn’t as excavated as Pit 1 but it is still awe inspiring because of its size and just having a inkling of what is underneath. They do have some areas excavated and put back together and then they have areas where you can see them shattered. Then we went outside and Arnold showed us Pit 4. It is covered by a glass dome. When they checked this pit they didn’t find anything and they think that the Emperor died before they could make the statues for this area. So we made our way to Pit 2. This pit is even less excavated and you can see the shape of the wooden timbers that covered and protected the soldiers under the dirt. The whole thing was fascinating. After Pit 2 we had a little time to look around the gift shop. Most of us bought a book about the soldiers and a DVD and a set of postcards. Once we had all done that we walked over to the Exhibition Hall. We saw an exhibition about the Han Dynsaty and the we saw some bronze chariots they found near the Emperor’s tomb. One of the highlights of the place is a kneeling archer. They put him back together and he is on display under a glass case. They also have some bronze tools they found in the area. If this is all we had seen on this trip I would have been happy, as it is, this has been the highlight.

After about three hours here we headed out and went to a factory where they make replicas of the statues.

They make small ones that are about four inches tall all the way up to life size. They also will make special ones with your face. They take pictures of your face from all angles and they will make a large life size warrior that looks like you. Afterward we had time to shop. I bought an eight inch kneeling archer to take home. Then we had lunch on the third floor of this place. They had set up a great buffet and we could even watch a man make noodles. The only complaint was that there was high pressure to buy and I couldn’t really look around and enjoy the place. Finally, we were back on the bus headed back to the hotel. It was around 3:30pm when we got back to the hotel. Thomas and I relaxed for a while and I started editing photos. Then we walked over to a pharmacy so Thomas could get some medicine and then we returned to our room. We just relaxed until it was time for dinner.
At 5:30pm we met the group in the lobby and we got on the bus and headed out to dinner. We went to the
Tang Dynasty Show and Dinner. When we arrived they had five musicians on stage playing music. Once we were seated they started bringing drinks.

Everyone had water and then you could order something else if you wanted. I ended up getting a beer. They also brought us a drink called Xi’an rice wine. It was delicious. Then the food started coming. We had courses – chicken in a potato bowl with some vegetables, mushroom soup, fried fish and shrimp with sesame crusted cashews, orange consommé and then an assortment of cookies and snacks. When we finished dinner they started the show. The show is a musical about a 14 year old concubine who made her way up in the palace until she rose to Empress at the age of 67 years old. It was beautifully done, colorful and entertaining. I originally thought that it might be a cheesy dinner theater show but it was professionally done and thoroughly enjoyable.
The show ended around 8:30pm and it wasn’t until 9:00pm when we arrived back at the hotel. Thomas and I showered and then began packing. We needed to get as much packed tonight as possible because our luggage had to be outside by 6:30am. Once that was done we relaxed. Thomas read for a short while and then went to bed and I spent some time editing photos and then uploaded to Facebook. I only got a little done – my eyes started closing and around 11:00pm I went to sleep. Tomorrow we fly to Beijing.
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