Sunday, October 13, 2013

Up, Up and Away

Last night Thomas and I went to bed early so that we could get up this morning to attend the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. We were up early and we arrived at the park about 6:15am and there were already tons of people there. I was a little skeptical about whether there would be a mass ascension since the winds in Santa Fe were pretty strong. But we headed to Albuquerque anyway hoping that the winds there would not be as bad. Today was the last day of the Fiesta and when we got to the park it was an absolutely beautiful morning. We walked down the main walkway and stopped into a few shops before venturing onto the field. We wandered around and waited for the balloons to inflate and take off. The Dawn Patrol lifted off clearing the way for all the other balloons. Today was the last day of the Fiesta and there were about 500 balloons that eventually filled the skies. I took about two hundred pictures and my neck is a little sore from looking up all morning. The last three times we went to the Fiesta the winds or weather didn't cooperate and there was no mass ascension so I was extremely grateful for the great weather and the sky filled with hundreds of colorful balloons. It was a great way to start a Sunday morning. Here are a few pictures from the event.

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